Hong Kong Movie 香港電影

by Movie6 Limited



Hong Kong Cinema Showtime: MCL, Broadway and more | Latest VOD: Netflix and more

Welcome to Hong Kong Movie 6.0!Hong Kong Movie is proud to present to our users a large variety of movie and cinematic information!View the latest movie information, exclusive interviews and movie showtimes in Hong Kong. Once you become a verified user, you will be able to write reviews and leave ratings to interact with other users!Features- Latest movie information and trailers- Exclusive & unique interviews- Display movie showtimes of most cinemas in Hong Kong- Realtime seat plan status- Cinema information and promotions- Editor’s movies recommendation - View a list of movies by searching actor’s name - Click to purchase from the cinema’s ticketing website- In-app purchase for MCL Cinemas- Receive notifications when new movies go on air!- Use in conjunction with Golden Scene Cinema membership features to enjoy exclusive member discounts!Member exclusive features (*)- Rate movies and write reviews- Save your favourite movies, cinemas and movie lists- Member exclusive activities and screeningsSupport cinema circuits (**)- MCL- Broadway 百老匯- Golden Harvest 嘉禾- Golden Scene Cinema 高先電影院- Newport 新寶戲院- Cinema City- Emperor Cinema 英皇戲院- CGV- Lumen Cinema- CineArt 影藝戲院- ACX*Some features require SMS verification**Jan 2020 dataBug fix

Read trusted reviews from application customers

too many ads

angela wong

Fix the Notifications! No should mean no!

Howard Elias

Very buggy

Wesley Wong

Hong Kong Movie HELP

Terrence Mcdavid

Too much ad, quite annoying

Mike C

Why can't play full movie?

veasna seng

Why no portrait mode !!! I hate being forced to use landscape mode, it should be users option!!!

Jack Cheung


creamy Lai

宜家留言仲要登記手機號碼,咩事,營運方想起人底?香港遍布咁多某隻色嘅人渣,私隱顯得尤其重要,班人渣隨時可以係政府機構、電訊公司、銀行、保險公司到任職,一個手機號碼就可以知一個人嘅身份,仲想我俾手機你知,咪天真,最多咪唔登記唔留言,好稀罕呀?不嬲你個app load得又慢,好多時禁好評/負評load勁耐都reflect唔到(我部手機係最新型號,唔係我部機問題)。有時一條留言唔知點解post左幾次,想修改或者刪除留言又冇呢個function。一個字,廢。

Strong World

Too many ads

Jack Zhang